If an Account Inactive message appears upon signing in, the SAM.gov Point of Contact (POC) must sign in or register using the same link and for the same company.
Points of Contact information is available at any time at SAM.gov (https://sam.gov).
Contact the SAM POC outside Symphony and request that they activate the account in their administration link within Symphony.
Figure 1. TheInactive Account Processprevents users from signing in to a company without verification.
Please note Symphony Administrators will only receive an email notifying them of a new registration if they already have an account (see Figure 1). The email is for advisory purposes and is not required for user activation.
A SAM POC will not see users if either they or the users used the incorrect website for the contract vehicle.
A SAM POC will not see users registered under a different company (UEI and Cage).
Users should be aware that the information on this website may not reflect the official positions of the Federal Government. The views and opinions expressed by agents of Apex Logic, Inc. are those of its employees and do not necessarily reflect those of the Federal Government or any of its officials. Guidelines and requirements provided by the Federal Government in the form of solicitations, amendments, modifications, or any other communications supersede any information provided by Apex Logic, Inc. If you have questions about this disclaimer, pleasecontact us.
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If an Account Inactive message appears upon signing in, the SAM.gov Point of Contact (POC) must sign in or register using the same link and for the same company.
Figure 1. The Inactive Account Process prevents users from signing in to a company without verification.
Please note Symphony Administrators will only receive an email notifying them of a new registration if they already have an account (see Figure 1). The email is for advisory purposes and is not required for user activation.
For more help, contact us.
Users should be aware that the information on this website may not reflect the official positions of the Federal Government. The views and opinions expressed by agents of Apex Logic, Inc. are those of its employees and do not necessarily reflect those of the Federal Government or any of its officials. Guidelines and requirements provided by the Federal Government in the form of solicitations, amendments, modifications, or any other communications supersede any information provided by Apex Logic, Inc. If you have questions about this disclaimer, please contact us.
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